Monday, October 7, 2019

Violent Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Violent Crime - Essay Example Rational choice theory can be used to explain the high rates of crimes in areas characterized by poverty, unemployment, school dropouts, and divorce among others in many ways. First, the theory notes that the offenders are willing to do all that they can to obtain money, sex, status and any other thing that can make them happy (Ahmad, 2014). As it is commonly known, those who are unemployed lack the basics of sustaining themselves such as the daily upkeep and decent housing. Because of this, they are likely to be involved in violent crimes to get what they want. Same thing applies to the school dropouts who lack the skills that employers look for their employments. Lastly, the theory bases on cost benefit analyses among the offenders (Ahmad, 2014). Residents living in recession areas weigh the impact of violent crimes to obtain what they want with the punishment they are to get. In most cases, some of them commit violent crimes and run before being caught. This encourages them to continue with the act since the benefit is high compared to cost because they are not caught. Hence, the unemployed, poverty stricken, and school dropouts are more likely to commit violent crimes often compared to others. In conclusion, rationale choice theory of crimes assumes that human beings are rational actors who calculates and weighs their behaviors before committing a crime. They indulge in violent crimes after considering the impact in terms of pleasure versus pain.

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